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Introduction to Biotechnology

Writer's picture: raghukulchaudharyraghukulchaudhary

Updated: Mar 1, 2019

What is Biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a combination of two words i.e Biology and Technology= Biotechnology BIO = life, of living beings, TECHNOLOGY = the application of science and engineering to study problems and provide solutions

So, Biotechnology is the use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life.

Historical development of Biotechnology

The origin of biotechnology can be traced back to prehistoric times, when microorganisms were already used for processes like fermentation. Although a molecular biologist may consider cloning of DNA to be the most important event in the history of biotechnology, the latter has actually been rediscovered in 1970's for the third time during the present century.

In 1920's Clostridium acetobutylicum was used by Weizmann for converting starch into butanol and acetone; the latter was an essential component of explosives during World War I. This raised hopes for commercial production of useful chemicals through biological processes, and may be considered as the first rediscovery of biotechnology in the present century.

Similarly, during World War II (in 1940's), the production of penicillin (as an antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929) on a large scale from cultures of Penicillium notatum, marked the second rediscovery of biotechnology. This was the beginning of an era of antibiotic research.

The third rediscovery of biotechnology came up with the discovery of recombinant - DNA technology, which led to the development of a variety of gene technologies and is thus considered to be the greatest scientific evolution of this century. Thus, even though biotechnology had its origin 10 the past, it has assumed special significance only in 1970's and 1980's.

The other examples of biological processes involving the techniques of recombinant DNA and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cell culture and fusion and bioprocessing which became possible only through the researches in molecular biology have been described as new biotechnology.

Therefore the stages of Biotechnology development can be divided in three,

Ancient biotechnology- Early history as related to food and shelter; Includes domestication of animal and plants for human benefit

Classical biotechnology- Built on ancient biotechnology; when Fermentation promoted food production, and medicine both.

Modern biotechnology- It involves manipulation of genetic information in organism that is discovery of Genetic engineering and molecular biology techniques.

Branches and components of Biotechnology

The major Branches of Biotechnology are the following:

  • Medical biotechnology – also known as Red Biotechnology. Medical processes such as getting organisms to produce new drugs, or using stem cells to regenerate damaged human tissues and perhaps regrow entire organs

  • Industrial Biotechnology—also known by name white Biotechnology and sometimes called as gray biotechnology involves industrial processes such as the production of new chemicals or the development of new fuels for vehicles.

  • Agriculture Biotechnology- This green branch of this technology .It applies to agriculture and involves the processes for the development of pest-resistant grains or the accelerated evolution of disease-resistant animals.

  • Environmental Biotechnology---Provides techniques to Protect environment against various ill effects of industrialization and urbanization.

Biotechnology is Multidisciplinary approach involves a number of disciplines that are coordinated for a desired outcome. It encompasses microbiology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Chemistry, Cell biology, Genomics, genetics physical sciences, Social sciences, Computer application, and mathematics and so on.

The Component of Biotechnology are---

  1. Tissue Culture

  2. Molecular Biology

  3. Recombinant DNA technology (Genetic engineering)

Importance of Biotechnology

Biotechnology as explained above has its newest roots in the science of molecular biology and microbiology. Advances in these two areas have been exploited in a variety of ways both for production of industrially important biochemicals (including enzymes) ,medicines and for basic studies in molecular biology.

  • Biotech medicine in market helping 325 million people.

  • Approx. 350 biotech drugs and medicine are in market for more than 200 disease

  • Early diagnosis of diseases

  • Use of Biopesticide reduce dependence on chemical pesticides

  • Genetically modified food like soya ,maize and tomato available and many more to come

  • Industrial applications led to develop less energy and water consuming processes for food ,energy ,textile and minerals.

  • Environmental Biotech provide solution to deal with hazardous waste skillfully

  • DNA fingerprinting , has dramatically improved criminal investigation.

  • 1457 biotech companies in the United State,342 are public held.

Application of biotechnology

Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture

Biotechnology has also revolutionized research activities in the area of agriculture which includes the following:

  1. Plant cell, tissue and organ Culture-for mass propagation of plant.

  2. Genetic engineering leading to transformation followed by regeneration of plants to give transgenic plants carrying desirable, traits like disease resistance, insect resistance and herbicide resistance; eventually this may also be used for increasing photosynthetic efficiency, nitrogen fixing ability, improved storage proteins, hybrid crops, crops for food processing etc.

Crop improvement using genetic engineering

  • The first commercially grown genetically modified whole food crop was a tomato (called Flavr Savr), which was modified to ripen without softening, by a Californian company Calgene

  • Soybeans------- Resistant to glyphosate or glufosinate herbicides

  • Cotton (cottonseed oil)------- Pest-resistant cotton

  • Hawaiian papaya-------Variety is resistant to the papaya ringspot virus.

  • Rapeseed (Canola)--------- Resistance to herbicides (glyphosate or glufosinate), high laurate canola

  • Sugarcane Resistance to certain pesticides, high-sucrose cane

  • Rice Genetically modified to contain high amounts of Vitamin A (beta-carotene)

  • Reduced vulnerability of crops to environmental stresses, improved taste, texture or appearance of food

  • Somatic hybrids between sexually incompatible species, permitting transfer of desirable traits from wild or unrelated crop species to, our crop plants

Application of Biotechnology in Livestock improvement

Transgenic animals produced in mice, pigs, goats, chicken, cows, etc;

it is suggested that some of these will eventually be used as bioreactors to produce drugs through their milk, blood or urine.

Biotechnology and Medicine

This branch helps to identify and manage the root cause of diseases ,and find ways to improve lives through better health which involves

Production of Drugs and Therapeutics Correction of genetic defects Improved diagnosis of disease using DNA as Probe e.g., Sleeping sickness, malaria Early detection of genetic disease Gene therapy to cure genetic diseases e.g. Huntington’s chorea, cystic fibrosis Identification of parents /criminals using DNA fingerprinting Production of monoclonal antibiotics for disease diagnosis e.g. hepatitis B ,viral diseases,cancer Rational drug design like Human insulin ,human interferon ,human and bovine growth hormones, Protease inhibitors to treat HIV infection Pharmacogenomics "custom drugs“ Pharmacogenomics is the study of how the genetic inheritance of an individual affects his/her body’s response to drugs. It is a coined word derived from the words “pharmacology” and “genomics”.

Biotechnology and environment

It provide methods and modified process to save environment. Oil spills management and degradation of petroleum using Superbug, Detoxification of waste and industrial effluents , Pollution detection using biosensors,Bio-energy production –Biogas ,Ethanol , Biodiesel production,Efficient sewage treatment using primary, secondary and tertiary treatment for organic material degradation, odour removal ,Production of Biopesticide for plant disease control.

Biotechnology and Industries

Production of useful compounds

  • e.g Ethanol, Lactic acid, glycerine ,Citric acid;

Production of antibiotics

  • e.g Penicillin, streptomycin, mitomycin etc.

Production of enzymes

  • Amylase ,protease, Lipases; Immobilization of enzyme for repeated applications;

Single cell protein production

  • From bacteria ,yeast, fungi or algae for human food and animal feed (as supplements); Mineral extraction via leaching from low grade ores ,e.g., Copper ,Uranium etc.


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